
Consistency Trumps Intensity

When it comes to exercise, consistency trumps intensity. You would be better served completing 12 moderate intensity exercise bouts in a month than doing 6 very high intensity bouts in a month.  The best way to create positive adaptations is to continue to turn up.  Just get your runners on, get to the gym, and the hard part is already over.  Consistency is key.

Tough Conversations

Two minutes of discomfort can lead to many hours of improved wellbeing. Sometimes you need to endure the tough conversation.


Kaizen: taking small steps to create large change.  Take a small step toward being the person you want to be, today.  Small, daily steps compound to big results.  Motivation is fleeting, habits persist. They are the compound interest of self improvement.  Small steps appear to make little difference until you cross a critical threshold.  Rather than focusing on goals, focus on systems.  Law of least effort (conservation of energy) – people tend to instinctively choose the path of least resistance, therefore using small, simple steps to achieve your goals is a way of hacking the brain. Such is the art of Kaizen.

September 2022 Book Reviews

A brief review of each of the books I read in the last month. Chatter: the voice in our head (and how to harness it - Ethan Kross 5/5 This book is a must read for anyone with a functioning brain. Kross discusses techniques for addressing the spiral of negative thoughts which inevitably flow through our heads in certain situations. This can be done by, among other things, gaining a different perspective and distancing yourself. Read it.  A Runner's High: my life in motion - Dean Karnazes 4.5/5 Karnazes recounts anecdotes of ultra marathons he has run in the past with culmination of his 100 mile Western States run. If you are interested in running or human endurance, have a read. Make Your Bed: little things that can change your life... and maybe the world - William H. McRaven 4.5/5 A short, yet thoroughly enjoyable read. McRaven tells thrilling anecdotes of his time as a Navy SEAL to illustrate the following messages: 1. Start your day with a task complete (make your bed) 2. You can

A Challenge is an Opportunity

A challenge can be interpreted as an opportunity to better yourself.  If you face a challenge, recognise it as a chance to improve and sub-vocalise "good". Ask how can I learn from this? From struggle, comes strength - It doesn’t get easier, you get stronger!


Some have a tendency to speak a lot without saying anything. "We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak" - attributed to Epictetus 

Honesty Without Compassion Becomes Cruelty

It is true that honesty leads to trust, however honesty without compassion becomes cruelty.