
Apologise Quickly

Have the insight to recognise when you are in the wrong, then apologise quickly. A swift apology is able to defuse situations where tensions are rising. Do not be too stubborn to admit when you are wrong - apologise quickly.

August 2022 Book Reviews

A brief review of each of the books I read in the last month. Why Buddhism is True - Robert Wright 4/5 This book discussed Buddhism from a Western perspective and was a solid read. Some of the ideas discussed included: Detachment from emotion through mindfulness  The self as an illusion - I subscribe to the belief that the conscious mind is the self, but this was refuted  Modular model of the mind  The steps of the Noble Eightfold Path being: Right Understanding Right Thought Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness  Right Concentration. The five aggregates or heaps to which we cling: Form (or material image, impression) (rupa) Sensations (or feelings, received from form) (vedana) Perceptions (samjna) Mental activity or formations (sankhara) Consciousness (vijnana). To perceive emptiness is to perceive raw data. Key takeaways of the book: Human beings can often fail to see the world clearly - this can lead them to suffer and make others suffer  Humans t

Acts of kindness

Do something nice for another person every day – one random act of kindness could change the trajectory of someone’s life.  Pay the compliment – if you think a positive thought about someone, share it with them.

Do the Right Thing, Not the Easy Thing

In the immortalised words of  Frozen 2, "d o the next right thing". When in doubt, trust your moral compass, and focus on your next action being the right one. If you make a mistake, own it. Even if it was only partly your fault – take ownership. Sometimes you cannot predict what the road ahead will bring, but you will be moving in the right direction if you just "do the next right thing".

Be Open

Be open-minded to new ideas and beliefs – overcome the reflex of being defensive of your pre-conceived ideas and biases I believe you can learn something from anyone, and you can learn anything you truly desire. Your intelligence and skills are not fixed – through neuroplasticity the brain is always changing, updating – it is important to subscribe to a growth mindset. You must also be aware of confirmation bias – the tendency to interpret information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.

July 2022 Book Reviews

A brief review of each of the books I read in the last month. The Creative Destruction of Medicine: how the digital revolution will create better health care - Eric Topol 5/5 The earliest book I have come across on digital health, Topol, in 2012 discusses the digital health revolution which was then on the horizon and is now in full swing. This book goes on to describe how medicine is becoming more patient-centred and more efficient with the assistance of the current digital revolution. If you are at all interested in digital health, this is a great place to start. Losing my Virginity - Richard Branson 4.5/5 Branson's story up until around 1993 - this was a thumping good read. He writes of the many risks he took and continues to take while outlining his philosophy on always reinvesting in his company. When in financial hardship, Branson would refinance and expand. His secret to success in business - "have fun". Sprint: how to solve big problems and test new ideas in just

Fulfilment Requires Effort

Fulfilment is not a passive state - it does not just come to you. It requires effort to both find what is fulfilling to you and acquire said fulfilment. Fulfilment is an active process and requires much effort.